02 June, 2011


I want to paint like this..

"it's not the face, but the expressions on it.
It's not the voice, but what you say.
It's not how you look in that body, but the things you do with it.
You are beautiful."
    -The Host, Ian 


The Host is being turned into a movie??

I wonder how it will turn out..
I wonder who will play the characters..
Im excited!

My life passes by as the sky starts to fade
if this is the end i know im not afraid
the meaning of this is becoming so clear
prepare for the worst this is going to be hell
i know you wont be there i fall alone
tell me why i am still standing here


Not impressed,
Bad acting,
Did not expect the storyline,

I dont understand the hype about this movie..

Would not suggest this movie.

29 May, 2011

Fucking Evil.

The human race is evil!
We are selfish and greedy.
We do not care who or what gets in our way, we will destroy it to get to the big cash loads.
We do not care who we harm, who we torture, who we eliminate from this world, the world runs on money, money gets you everywhere and everything.
People will do anything for a pay cheque. 

All species have the right to live on this planet, just as much as the human race does.
Other species deserve to live freely, and not be controlled by us, the human race.
I do not care that we are a stronger more evolved specie, that does not give is the right to control all other species that consume this earth.
It would be one thing to do so in a polite and ethical manner, but as a human race we are discusting in our acts.
We cage, beat and kill the less evolved species that have no defense compared to our weapons and man-made strength.

We destroy everything, we are a plague that is covering this world,
If the human race did not exist, this world would be a much different place.
This world would be thriving,
This world would survive much longer without our diseased way of life.


27 May, 2011

Yes, Osama is dead.

 If you believe he was a real person in the first place, and not a made up character to install fear into the American public in order for easy control.
Hate is everywhere on this planet,
War will never end,
Innocent blood will continue to drip.

We need to concentrate on our own issues before traveling around the world and controling other societies.
Deal with your own problems first,

Amazing Cottage Weekend.

26 May, 2011

I need to find a passion,
I need to do something.
Something to get my life going,
Painting? Photography?


 'Water for Elephants'.

I give it a, 7/10

In my mind I'm goin' to Carolina
Can't you see the sunshine
Can't you just feel the moonshine
Ain't it just like a friend of mine
It hit me from behind
Yes I'm gone to Carolina in my mind

Karen she's a silver sun
You best walk her way and watch it shinin'
Watch her watch the mornin' come
A silver tear appearing now
I'm cryin' ain't I
Gone to Carolina in my mind

James Taylor

24 May, 2011

I am going to my first Indian wedding!
Im going to be wearing a sari :)
I am so excited!

I wonder what style ill be wearing..