18 May, 2011

2012 prophecies


I really dont know what to believe anymore.
At the beginning of all of this mess,
I did not believe the conspiracy theories it at all..
Now im not to sure.

The Mayans have a very unique understanding of our solar system’s cycles. The most significant of which has much to do with the 2012 prophecies.
The Mayans predicted that from 1999 we have 13 years to realize the changes in our conscious attitude and stray away from the path of self-destruction.
We must move unto a path that opens our consciousness to integrate with all that exists.
Their prophecy talks about 'The Time of No-Time' which is a period of 20 years.
The last 20 years of the Sun's cycle of 5,125 years is from 1992 - 2012.

These 2012 predictions means that World War III will start in the old countries like India, China, Islamic Nations and Africa.
The United States will be destroyed by atomic bombs and radioactivity.

According to some astronomers, on 2012 our solar system will cross with the Galactic Equator which only happens every 26,000 years.
Since the Mayan calendar began in 3114 BC, they had never experienced anything like this before thus giving more credibility to their 2012 predictions.
The Mayan Long Count calendar says the current age of mankind began on a day of destructive Earth movement and it will end on a day of destructive Earth movement.
This day of movement could mean horrible earthquakes.
It could also be translated to the missing planet Nibiru slamming into our planet.

Aztec and Inca prophecies
The Aztec 2012 predictions says that on the winter solstice of 2012, the noonday Sun exactly conjuncts the crossing point of the sun's ecliptic with the galactic plane, while also closely conjuncting the exact center of the galaxy.
This means that our solar system appears to belong to another galaxy that is colliding with the Milky Way. Putting it all together, it implies the 2011-2012 events are natural cycles of maximum solar explosions which could scorch all or parts of the earth.

The Sybils Doomsday predictions
“The things in the tenth generation shall come to pass.
The Earth shall be shaken by a great earthquake that throws many cities into the sea. 
There shall be war.
Fire shall come flashing down from the heavens and many cities burn.
Black ashes shall fill the great sky.
Then know the Anger of the Gods.”

Revelations in the Bible for the end of days
Eventually the prophecy leads up to the antichrist assuming world domination with his false prophet overseeing the one-world religion.
The antichrist is prophesied to rule the world for a period of time until the battle of Armageddon.

The prophecies of Merlin and Mother Shipton
"The tail of Scorpio shall produce lightning and Cancer quarrel with the Sun. Virgo shall mount upon the back of Sagittarius and darken her virgin flowers. The chariot of the Moon shall disorder the zodiac and the Pleiades break forth into weeping. No offices of Janus shall hereafter return, but his gate being shut shall lie hid in the chinks of Ariadne. The seas shall rise up in the twinkling of an eye and the dust of the ancients shall be restored. The winds shall fight together with a dreadful blast and their sound shall reach the stars. "

It suggests that these words refer to cataclysmic weather conditions and that the vision will culminate in the 21st century, including it as one of the 2012 predictions.
Disturbingly, this chimes perfectly with the predictions of some scientists on the effects of global warming.

This world and all of existence is going down sooner or later,
Only a matter of time.

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